© 2010 Shawn Pierce Engineering. All Rights Reserved.
With the recent events in Japan, I hope everyone is starting to think about what we can do to get ourselves prepared in case of "The Big One". Located to the left, you will find some information that will help you better prepare for our next earthquake. It's a matter of when, not a matter of if.
Personally, the images I have seen from Japan are terrifying. I don't know about you, but the destruction we have seen over there is hard to absorb. Of course some of us would rather stick our heads in sand and say that it won't be as bad as it was over there. And you may be right, it may not be. But what if it is? Sure, we have the best emergency responders the world has ever known. But there aren't enough of them to take care of everyone. We have to be able to take care of ourselves for 5-7 days after the event. As I write this, there are families who still don't have power or water. Not to mention wondering where their loved ones may be. Do you want that to be you? Whether you want to hear it or not, that may be you if you aren't prepared.
This page is a work in progress. I would like to invite anyone who may have additional information that they would like to share to please send it to me at pierce.engineering@gmail.com and I will get it up on this website. Anything you can share would be greatly appreciated. You never know, it may help someone else who had the same question.
Also added in the links to the left is some awesome information provided by New Life Community Church. The church hosted a Disaster Preparedness Day in January 2011, and I have placed a couple links on some of the workshops that were held that day. A link to a page full of helpful links has also been provided.